CKPower realizes the importance of occupational health and safety and that ineffective management of safety can result in interruption of the production process as well as affect the operations of stakeholders throughout the supply chain.
Therefore, the Company is committed to working on all aspects of safety and improving its safety system and control measures for maximum and continuous efficiency in order to reduce the risk of accidents that result in injury or loss among personnel, contractors, or surrounding communities as well as the likelihood of interruption in the production process, thus strengthening the stability of the business in a sustainable way. The goal is to become a zero-accident and zero-injury organization. In addition, in response to the recent COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected business operations in recent times, the Company closely monitored the situation and made necessary adjustments to ensure its business continuity and the safety of all stakeholders across all sectors.


CKPower has established an occupational health and safety policy to serve as guidance for safe operations for employees and contractors. The scope of the guidelines under the occupational health and safety policy encompasses CKPower and its subsidiaries.

Code of Business Conduct with Regard to Occupational Health, Safety, and Environment

Further Information:

More information on Occupational Health and Safety Policy and Code of Business Conduct with Regard to Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational Health and Safety Policy
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Supplier Code of Conduct
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Targets Short-term and long-term
Occupational Health and Safety Management

CKPower has designated its safety departments as the primary responsible parties for the monitoring, inspection, and enhancement of the working environment to ensure compliance with international safety standards. The Company has also mandated that the safety department of each power plant set quantitative goals, which will figure into the performance evaluation of employees in the safety department as well, as part of the effort to improve CKPower’s occupational health and safety continuously and concretely. The quantitative goals also promote the development of the appropriate measures necessary to attain the set objectives, such as certification of occupational health and safety standards and documentation of statistics pertaining to workplace safety.

Occupational Health and Safety Management System

CKPower has an occupational health and safety management system, which has been established in accordance with the legal requirements related to the operation of power plants in Thailand and Lao PDR, where its power plants are located, such as labor laws; ministerial regulations on the appointment of a safety officer; legislation on chemicals management, fire safety, controlled substances, hygiene, disease prevention, and health promotion, health and safety on construction sites, and road traffic; chemicals management agreements; industrial noise standards; the Royal Decree on Occupational Safety, Health, and Environment; construction laws; the Royal Decree on the Provincial Electricity Authority; transportation laws; health impact assessment policies; and the Royal Decree on Work Safety. The Company has also attained ISO 45001:2018 certification for meeting international occupational health and safety management system standards.

CKPower’s occupational health and safety management system encompasses all workers, including employees and contractors. All workers must comply with occupational health, safety, and environment requirements during all activities to ensure safety in all operating areas of every power plant. In 2022, 100% of operations were audited by both internal and external agencies, as detailed in the table below.

Company Scope of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System Audited by internal functions Audited by external agencies
CKP Employees 129 129 129
Contractors 280 280 280
XPCL Employees 186 186 186
Contractors 199 199 199
NN2 Employees 49 49 49
Contractors 360 360 360
BIC Employees 53 53 53
Contractors 3,000 3,000 3,000
BKC Employees 1 1 1
Contractors 65 65 65
Total Employees 418 418 418
Contractors 3,904 3,904 3,904

Remark: Statistics of 2022

Hazard Identification and Occupational Health and Safety Risk Assessment

CKPower requires the safety departments to follow hazard identification and occupational health and safety risk assessment procedures developed according to Job Safety Analysis (JSA) techniques prior to the commencement of work.

Safety department employees are required to undergo regular occupational health training and to make adjustments based on the results of hazard identification and risk assessment to ensure that CKPower’s hazard identification and risk assessment is effective, compliant with standards, and continuously developed and improved.

Emergency Response Preparedness

All workers, including employees and contractors, as well as communities surrounding power plants within the scope of operation must undergo emergency response preparedness training in order to ensure that they are aware of self-reporting and self-preparation procedures for dealing with various emergencies. Workers must also participate in emergency drills along with community members, particularly for risks that have been identified and assessed in the OHS risk and hazard assessments process. This approach is aimed at reducing the severity of and damage caused by any incidents that may occur. Furthermore, workers will receive feedback following training and drills for future improvement. The requisite emergency drills are as follows:

Emergency response training Frequency
1. Fire Evacuation 4 times/year
2. Chemical Spill Response 1 time/year
3. Loss of Coolant Accident 1 time/year
4. Flooding 1 time/year
5. Earthquake 1 time/year
6. Landslide 1 time/year
Incident Reporting Channels

CKPower provides opportunities for employees and contractors to report accidents, unsafe conditions, and activities involving risk of accidents through the various channels listed below. The Company has also established guidelines for conducting investigations and taking the appropriate corrective actions based on employee and contractor safety risk assessments when accidents occur.

  • Safety officers or the Occupational Safety, Health, and Environment Committee via telephone and e-mail
  • Power plant managers via telephone and email
  • WE CARE CONVERSATION online form
  • Complaint and suggestion form

After being notified of an issue, the Occupational Safety, Health, and Environment Committee will bring the matter to the meeting and collaborate on a solution.

Work-Related Injury or Illness Investigation Process

CKPower takes proactive measures to prevent and reduce occupational health and safety risks. This involves performing risk assessments and preparing risk registers that encompass all activities and operations. Activities with moderate risks or higher are put forth in subsequent meetings in order to determine the appropriate control methods, which are carefully evaluated based on risk management principles and control measures. The resulting risk control or risk mitigation plans are then presented to the management for approval before implementation.

CKPower has established guidelines for investigating accidents and near misses. The process includes the preparation of Near Miss and Incident Reports, which are to be compiled by the safety officer and sent to the power plant manager for approval. The reports must contain detailed analyses of the causes of the work-related accidents and propose corrective actions. Upon receiving notification of accidents, unsafe conditions, or activities involving risk of accidents through various channels, the Company has a procedure in place for investigating work-related injuries or illnesses with the aim of preventing their recurrence. In 2022, there were 32 reported incidents.

CKPower utilizes findings from incident investigations to address and prevent accidents. Additionally, establish measures to enhance safety in the workplace and continuously improve the working environment to ensure a higher level of safety. In 2022, a total of 32 incidents were reported, out of which 30 were effectively managed according to existing management guidelines, while two required the establishment of new preventative measures and management guidelines, as follows.

Incident Management Measures/Guidelines
1. Chemical exposure to the contractor. Established the requirement for a risk assessment to be performed and chemical protective equipment provided to workers before commencing work each time, as well as for the worker to receive confirmation of a permit to work prior to commencing each job.
2. An employee suffered a laceration wound on the palm from a metal fixing plate, requiring sutures.

1.) Provided training on safe operating procedures for bolt fixing work.

2.) Included the topic of sharps injuries and safe operating procedures for working with sharp objects in the monthly Toolbox Meeting.

Work Injury Compensation

Employees can have their medical expenses reimbursed as compensation in the event of a work-related accident.

Promotion of Occupational Health and Safety

CKPower has established an Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Committee comprising the power plant manager acting as the chairman and representatives from the Operations Department, Maintenance Department, Administrative Department, Resource Department, and Environmental Department. Additionally, the Safety Department serves as secretary. The Committee is primarily responsible for developing and enhancing the occupational health and safety management system, establishing occupational health services to minimize workplace accidents, and fostering safety awareness among employees. Additionally, the Committee is tasked with designing and recommending occupational safety and health training programs, as well as actively seeking input from employees and evaluating various proposals to present to the Board of Directors for further consideration and implementation. Most importantly, employees can participate in the Company’s initiatives to promote occupational health and safety through representatives who attend Committee meetings, which are held on a monthly basis. These representatives are also points of contacts for employees to communicate directly with the Board of Directors during the annual Board meeting.

Occupational Health and Safety Services
Program Details

Since 2021, CKPower has organized activities to promote a safety culture under the "WE CARE" program with the goal of strengthening safety values and awareness, which are crucial to its commitment to drive health and safety management policy towards concrete outcomes. The Company fosters employee participation in raising awareness of and promoting a positive safety culture across the organization. Employees are encouraged to communicate with understanding and mutual trust in order to promote and further develop safety standards and reduce work-related accidents. Furthermore, CKPower emphasizes the involvement of employees in guiding and ensuring the safety of their colleagues, including adherence to safe work practices. The WE CARE safety culture training program actively encourages employees to engage in open communication through the WE CARE Conversation Form. The training ensures that power plant employees have knowledge and understanding of how to correctly utilize the form to provide recommendations, offer feedback, and share important safety information with their colleagues.
Stop Work Authority (SWA) CKPower grants all employees at all levels the authority to stop work immediately in the event that they encounter working conditions that are unsafe or not up to standard based on the evaluation that the work activity entails risks that could potentially result in accidents or pose a threat to health, life, or property. Employees have the ability to report unsafe working conditions to the safety officer, the Occupational Safety, Health, and Environment Committee, or the manager of each power plant. Immediate action must be taken to correct these conditions, ensuring that they reach a sufficient level of safety, before employees are permitted to continue work.
Safety Criteria for Procurement CKPower has established safety criteria for procurement. Contractors working within its premises must comply with these criteria, which adhere to ISO45001:2018 standards. For example, contractors are required to have personal protective equipment that meets international standards.
Employee Health Check CKPower provided annual health check-ups for all employees once a year. However, for employees with job-related risks, they receive health check-ups twice a year.
Personal Injury Prevention CKPower provides personal protective equipment (PPE) as an essential safety measure for preventing and mitigating work-related accidents. The provision of PPE aligns with the results of hazard identification and occupational health and safety risks and opportunities assessment to ensure that the selection of PPE is suitable for the risks associated with each activity and job title.
Wellness Promotion, Exercise Campaign, and Exercise EquipmentSubsidization CKPower recognizes the importance of employee health in relation to work efficiency and achieving the goal of being an "zero-accident and injury organization." As a result, the Company has established a wellness program that includes an exercise campaign and subsidization for exercise equipment.
Procurement of Medical Supplies and Medication for First Aid CKPower provides adequate medical supplies and medication for first aid purposes as well as on-site medical centers staffed with occupational health physicians and nurses. Employees and contractors can utilize these services in case of illness or accidents requiring immediate first aid. Some power plants situated in remote areas, such as Xayaburi Hydroelectric Power Plant and Nam Ngum 2 Hydroelectric Power Plant, have ambulances on stand-by through coordination with local hospitals to ensure access to medical facilities.
Program Details Risk Target Group
Employees Contractors
Safety Toolbox Meeting CKPower prioritizes the identification of hazards and risks at every step of the work process, encompassing all activities performed by both employees and contractors. The Company also emphasizes the development and implementation of safety programs. Through Safety Toolbox Meetings, the Company promotes collaboration throughout the organization and cultivates a culture of safety awareness among employees. The format of the meetings focuses on the presentation of safety information in order to promote awareness among employees of potential hazards and provide guidance on safe operations for all activities and procedures within the power plant. Generic risk
Safety Week 2022 In 2022, CKPower organized the Safety Week 2022 activity to celebrate the accomplishment of 2,000,000 working hours (as per ANSI standard) without any lost time injuries (LTI). The activity also aimed to cultivate awareness, enhance knowledge, and foster a positive attitude among employees on the safe system of work through WE CARE Conversation. Furthermore, it also encouraged employees to actively contribute to promoting CKPower's safety culture.

Generic risk -
Chemical Spill Response Drill

The Chemical Spill Containment Course is specifically designed for individuals working with or at risk of exposure to hazardous chemicals. The training program is specifically targeted towards safety officers, emergency response team, firefighters, and chemical controllers who have expertise in managing emergency incidents to effectively control accidents and ensure efficient outcomes.

In 2022, there was no record of leakage of hazardous substances as defined by law, including non-hazardous substances within CKPower facilities resulting in subsequent incidents.

Specific risk -
Crane Operation Training CKPower places importance on work involving crane operation and thus provides training to crane operators, signalers, riggers, and controllers. This training equips employees involved in the aforementioned operations with the necessary knowledge and understanding of crane safety, enhancing their work proficiency and reducing accidents and associated losses. Additionally, the Company emphasizes proactive planning to prevent accidents related to crane operations. Specific risk -
Gas Leakage into Designated Areas Drill Gas Leakage into Designated Areas Drill CKPower requires employees to practice implementing the action plan for gas pipe leakage into designated areas at least once annually. This field practice prepares emergency teams to respond effectively in case of a gas pipe leak. Evaluation of the drill based on the emergency plan is recorded in the drill report. This evaluation serves as a basis for further improvement and development of the emergency response procedures. Specific risk -
Fire Suppression Techniques Training CKPower requires that employees assigned to the emergency response team in the case of fire receive training in fire suppression techniques. The objective of this training is to ensure that these employees possess the necessary skills and techniques for incident control and for the proper use of fire control equipment. By attending the training, employees can refresh their fire suppression skills and be better prepared to immediately respond to and control any fire incidents that may occur in the power plant. Specific risk -
ISO 45001: 2018Occupational HealthOccupational Health System Standard CKPower requires all employees involved in operations related to the occupational health and safety management system comply with the scope of ISO 45001:2018 and matters that affect the current occupational health and safety management system standard. This awareness is essential in preparing for the implementation of the ISO 45001:2018 system. Generic risk -
Boiler Operator Training CKPower requires that employees who are responsible for operating the power plant's boiler participate in a training course for boiler operators to equip them with knowledge and understanding of the structure, equipment, and various controls of boilers that use liquids to conduct heat, ensuring safety in operations. This training is also aimed at instilling awareness of the roles and responsibilities of a boiler operator, as mandated by law. Specific risk -
Safety Risk and Opportunity Assessment Training CKPower offers safety risk and opportunity training to its employees to enable them to perform risk assessments and identify safety opportunities in any of their own operations which involve risks and to subsequently communicate the results of such assessments to the appropriate departments. These efforts align with the requirements outlined in the ISO 45001:201 Occupational Health and Safety Management System standard. Generic risk
First Aid & CPR Training All employees receive basic first aid and CPR training from the power plant's medical personnel. This training ensures that all employees have the knowledge, skills, and experience in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), enabling them to effectively provide assistance to injured or sick individuals and reduce the severity of injuries before medical care can be provided. Generic risk -
3-System Internal Audit Training (9001: 2015, 14001: 2015, 45001: 2018) CKPower has appointed an Internal Audit Working Group dedicated to three standard systems: ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015, and 45001:2018. The Internal Audit Working Group undergoes training in internal auditing for all three systems to ensure knowledge and understanding of internal auditing principles so that they may establish an auditing, monitoring, and corrective action program for each power plant in accordance with the requirements of all three standard systems. Generic risk -
Helmet Campaign CKPower prioritizes the safety of employees and contractors during their commute to work, particularly those who travel by motorcycle. Wearing a motorcycle helmet is crucial in reducing the severity of injuries or losses in case of an accident. A survey was conducted to assess the helmet-wearing habits of employees and contractors, revealing that 34.80 percent of employees who rode motorcycles to work did not wear motorcycle helmets. In response, the Occupational Safety, Health, and Environment Committee organized a campaign encouraging motorcycle riders to wear motorcycle helmets to promote safe behavior and help minimize the severity of traffic accidents. Training activities were conducted to educate and raise awareness about driving safety, and signage was installed. The campaign achieved its goal of having 100% of employees and contractors wear motorcycle helmets while riding motorcycles within the fourth month after its launch in 2021, and this compliance has been maintained until now. Generic risk

At the same time, CKPower and its affiliates aim to raise awareness of the corporate safety culture among internal and external stakeholders and encompassing all activities of employees, contractors, and key suppliers through various activities, projects, and training programs. This is part of the effort to reach the goal of being a zero-accident and injury organization. Additionally, CKPower has established measures for new employees to undergo a health check before commencing work along with requiring current employees to undergo an annual health check to ensure good health and readiness for work.

COVID-19 Prevention Guidelines

CKPower prioritizes the occupational safety and health of all employees, suppliers, customers, shareholders, and stakeholders engaged in its operations. Comprehensive disease management measures and policies were thus put in place, consisting of screening protocols for both workers and visitors, in order to effectively prevent and control the spread of COVID-19.


Work-Related Injury Statistics

In addition to prioritizing the occupational safety, health, and environment of its employees, CKPower extends its commitment to include contractors and suppliers. The Company is dedicated to achieving the objective of being a zero-accident- and injury organization. To this end, it has collected data and set a Loss Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) target of zero as an indicator of employee occupational health and safety within the company. Furthermore, this rate serves as a performance metric for the organization. CKPower has established the following occupational safety, health, and environment goals.

Indicator 2022 Performance 2023 Targets
Employees Contractors Employees Contractors
Fatalities from work-related injuries 0 case 0 case 0 case
Lost-time injuries: LTI 0 case 1 case 0 case
Recordable work-related injuries 1 case 1 case 0 case
Recordable work-related injuries rate 1.08 cases /1,000,000 hours 1.03 cases /1,000,000 hours 0 case /1,000,000 hours

In March 2022 (A Lost-time injuries (LTI)) occurred involving a contractor due to chemical exposure. The Company launched an investigation, performed a comprehensive cause analysis, and held meetings with all relevant parties to collectively identify preventive measures and expanded communication to other work areas. The Company established new mandates for supervisors to conduct risk assessment and analysis and issue work permits before allowing contractors to commence work and for safety officers to perform inspections to ensure compliance with the company's established safety standard throughout the duration of the work until completion. As a result of these measures, no further accidents resulting in lost-time injuries or significant work-related illnesses have been reported since April 2022.